Presentations Submission Information

Presentation Submission Deadlines

– Poster presentations: 15th of June

– Poster presentations with poster teasers: 15th of June

– Pecha Kucha presentations: 20th of June

– Oral presentations: 25th of June

How to pre-record your presentation in Zoom

In order to pre-record your presentation, firstly you will have to download and install the Zoom client software. Then you will need to create an account at Once you log in to your account, please follow the steps below:

  1. On the upper right corner click on “Host a Meeting”. You will be asked to open the Zoom software. Click open and follow the presented instructions.
  2. Be sure that you have all the necessary presentation files ready, e.g., power point file.
  3. Be certain that your audio and video are both working.
  4. When “Screen sharing” please be aware that your video will move to the upper right-hand corner and may potentially cover text or images. Please adjust your presentation taking this into account.
  5. Once Zoom client is opened, start recording by clicking in the record button at the lower tool bar.
  6. Then start “Screen sharing” and begin your presentation.
  7. You can also start with the “Screen sharing” and then, on the floating tool bar, click on the three dots at the end of this bar and press the recording button.
  8. Your presentation should respect the time limits imposed to each format, as described below:
    1. Oral presentations – 12 minutes
    2. Pecha Kucha Talk – 6 minutes and 40 seconds
    3. Poster teaser – 2 minutes
  9. Once you have finished the presentation, you can either select “Stop Record” and then end the meeting, or just simply end the meeting – this will stop the recording automatically. As you close Zoom, the video will be automatically converted into mp4 file format.

Please submit your files to


Submissions are now closed!


There are several categories to select from for your presentation:
  • Oral presentations

(12 minutes, plus 3 minutes questions and discussion)

There are limited possibilities for oral presentations, therefore some abstracts submitted as an oral presentation may be converted to Pecha Kucha or posters. (If you are unwilling to make a Pecha Kucha or Poster presentation please inform the Organizing Committee)

  • Pecha Kucha Talk

(6 minutes and 40 seconds)

A Pecha Kucha is a style of presenting involving strict timings, with 20 slides, each lasting 20 seconds (total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds).

The constraints of the format encourage you to be concise, think about the narrative of your research, and to create an engaging presentation to encourage a dialogue (the tem Pecha Kucha is Japanese for “the sound of conversation” or “chit chat”).

You can download our power point template for a Pecha Kucha here. The slides are set to change every 20 seconds so all you need to do is add the content. When putting together your slides, remember to think visually, and use text in a minimal way. It’s a good idea to rehearse your presentation thoroughly to get the timings right.

  • Poster presentation

Poster displays should be self-explanatory in the absence of authors.

  • Poster presentation with poster teaser

To provide a more powerful impact as well as aiding the audience to select the “must see” posters it is recommended to present a short poster teaser talk on video.

A time slot will be warranted in the program for everyone who submits a poster teaser video. Poster teaser talks are limited to 3 slides and 2 min.

Poster teasers videos will be scheduled between regular oral presentations in the program.


Participants are welcome to send their abstracts related to the following topics:

  • Assistance/therapy/working dogs
  • Behaviour
  • Canine welfare
  • Clinical behavioural medicine
  • Cognition
  • Companion dog
  • Comparative research
  • Conservation biology
  • Ecology
  • Feral/village/pariah dog
  • Fossilized canids
  • Genetics
  • Interaction with humans
  • Physiology
  • Stray/shelter dog
  • Wild canids


Authors of accepted abstracts must be registered until 31st May 2021.

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: 1st April 2021

Notice of acceptance: 30th April 2021

Deadline for registration fee payment with accepted abstract: 31st May 2021

Abstracts should be sent to

Abstract Guidelines

Please follow the guidelines provided below.

The mandatory sections of each abstract are:

Introduction – Question/Hypothesis – Method – Results – Discussion/Conclusion

In case of empirical studies, it is mandatory to include the N (sample size) and the main p values of the most important results in the Results section. We do not recommend including references to the abstract, unless it is of paramount importance (e.g. your study is a replication of an earlier paper; or an application of a specific experimental paradigm etc.).

Abstract formatting instructions

Please follow the guidelines when submitting an abstract. The scientific committee have the right to rejected submitted abstracts if they do not follow these guidelines.

  1. All abstracts should be written in English
  2. All abstracts should be typed, single-line spaced and must fit on one page
  3. Use Arial font size 12 throughout
  4. First line: indicate presentation category and main topic in capital letters:



  1. Second line: write a descriptive, concise, meaningful title – in bold
  2. Third line: name of author(s). Please underline the presenting author.
  3. Fourth line: address of author(s) (institution, city, country) and e-mail address of presenting author
  4. All abstracts should include a statement of any conflict of interest after the author details. This should include information about affiliations, research funders, memberships for all authors that may be taken into account by readers when evaluating the research
  5. Then leave two blank lines
  6. On the next line, the text of the abstract – no longer than 2500 characters (including spaces)
  7. Do not indent paragraphs but leave a one-line gap between paragraphs
  8. When using uncommon abbreviations, spell out in full when first mentioned, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Do not abbreviate in the title of the abstract
  9. Do not include tables or diagrams in the abstract
  10. Do not include references to the abstract, unless it is of paramount importance (e.g. your study is a replication of an earlier paper; or an application of a specific experimental paradigm etc). In these cases key references should be listed in abbreviated form, e.g., Dutton, D. and Williams, C. 2004. Anthrozoös 17(1): 210–224.
  11. Two copies of the abstract should be submitted, one with the authors’ names, affiliations and conflicts of interest removed to enable blinded review.

                Each participant can upload maximum three abstracts.

Graphical abstract:

We encourage every author, regardless of presentation type, to provide a graphical abstract alongside the regular abstract to his/her contribution. This is not a mandatory requirement, however, as the abstract book will be an electronic issue, we have the capacity to include high quality graphical material.

You can find some examples here.

Include your graphical abstract as a pdf attachment alongside your abstract submission files. You can upload one pdf file per abstract.

Paper size should be set at ISO A4 (210×297 mm) with a minimum 595px x 842px and 72 DPI resolution.

For questions regarding submission of abstracts contact:

Reviewing process

All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by at least three independent referees, according to the pre-set criteria including: abstracts having the components required, the quality of each component, overall clarity of the abstract, and importance of the research to the field.

Each contribution will be evaluated anonymously, and based on the reviewer’s recommendation the suitability of the contributions as oral, Pecha Kucha or poster presentation will be decided.

Authors will be notified of the abstract acceptance/rejection no later than April 30th, 2021